Monday, May 25, 2009

Celebrating Together Spring 2009

April 21st through May 17th we have lots to celebrate and so little time to be together so we usually have one big celebration. Here is Crystal for her 21st Birthday (May 21st) She is sharing Katies Cake with her. Why have more than one???
Katie Lynn turned 4 on May She really wanted a Pooh cake so Kristina and I worked to do the best we could. Not to bad for a first attempt.
Of course we have to fit Mother's Day in there (running shoes) hmm? Maybe they want a fit mother or maybe they have a mother that wants to remain fit? Which is it?
Travis always try's to have some surprise for his wife's birthday. This year it was an I phone.
Our gift to Crystal was more sentimental. She does a great blog, but what happens to all the memories later. Blake used his computer skills and moved the blog to a spreadsheet and was able to go get it printed out and made into a book. We love happy memories and these things help us remember.
Crystal loves to make others happy. Here she is helping Katie figure out her bug catcher.
Kristina was nominated for Prom Royalty.
She turned 17 and had a small family party- she really doesn't like the big party's with all the attention on her, but didn't want it jammed in with all the rest of the celebration. So we had a small family party on her birthday. What an idea.

Ashley can always figure out her own fun and has a great imagination.
Well this should have been posted a year ago but better late than never.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Fun!

Here is our wonderful girls in their Easter Dresses! (And their Dad)

The joy of children makes life for us so much more exciting. I can't imagine life without children.

Watch the fun!!!

Here is Krisitna in the Prom Royalty assembly. Isn't she beautiful?
As I watched both assemblies and took pictures and videos. I felt a deep sense of gratitude that I have been able to stay home with my children and be involved in all their performances, programs, awards all the things that have brought them joy (and pain) being able to be part of almost every area of their life. I watched as the other mothers had to leave without seeing the whole thing. They all had to run to their jobs (which I definitely understand in this economy). I couldn't help but to feel grateful that I had been so blessed. My family is my life. Some of the things I want to do I have just postponed for a while so I can do something I want to do more. It was worth more than any amount of money being able to do what I have done.

Blake's mother had to work because of his Dad's health but when we got engaged he told me he didn't ever want me to work he wanted me to be home for our children. I know sometimes it must have been hard with all the financial challenges, and things he has had to give up. Our children have appreciated his sacrifice too. David frequently thanks Heavenly Father in family prayer for blessing "our father" with such a wonderful job to provide for us so well. David's prayers frequently humble me because they are so sincere, and he is always grateful. (I am sure he is dying when he reads this. It isn't on for anyone to read, just more for me to have so Blake and I can remember these things when I get older.)

She went with Jaron and of course David was in her group as well! They went with all the theater kids! Boy, I bet they had a dramatic time!

Here is David with his date, Jessica Buckner. The guys hid Easter Eggs then tied their legs to their dates. Blind folds were put on the guys and then they tried to tell the girls where to go find them. They said it was a riot. The they went to the Roof on top of the Joseph Smith Memorial building.

Blake and I went on a Bike ride the night before and biked 18 miles. Things just didn't feel right on our body after that. We went to Costa Veda and undid all the good we had just accomplished. Even though we split a salad it just doesn't work with our metabolisms. We then tended after we sent the kids of to Prom so Brittany and Ryan could go on their date.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April Showers of Excitement

Grandma had lots of Fun!!! Brittany has been playing the piano for all sorts of things. She has helped Kristina get ready for her Excalibur tryouts and then went and played the piano for her. This year they only chose 5 Alto singers instead of there usual 6. Kristina was the only Junior girl in it this year and she did amazing in her tryouts and yes she made it again! She also decided the night before to try out for Advanced Theater because the Drama teacher told her he expected her too. Yes she made it too- there were only 5 people they wanted for sure after tryouts and she was one of them. I guess our life will be full of "DRAMA" as if it wasn't already.

The good part is grandma got to watch the "girls" alot. She gave Brittany a day off to make up for all the time she had spent helping. We had lots of fun. We played all day.

Our Favorite game this year is DON'T EAT PETE! Look at Katies face -it is not staged that is her expression as she pulls each one off waiting for us to yell.

We made pancakes for dinner and they got so excited to see the first letter of their name.
Kristina in her Prom Dress. No it is not Prom this is just the remodel job to make a modest dress. We had to have it done fast because she was nominated for Prom Royalty and they take pictures to display at the school.

Kristina after pictures- She doesn't need a fancy dress to make her beautiful.
Conference Weekend we love. We love having Prophets and Apostles and traditions. The guys go to Priesthood Session together and then go out to dinner. We thought we needed to be a little more frugal this year so we had homemade pizza, and lots of fun foods. The men shared what they learned at Priesthood and we talked a little and laughed alot. Kristina and Crystal tried this joke on Ryan, it looks more like they were doing CPR on him.
Crystal can always make us laugh and Ryan is always a willing sport. I am not sure if Travis has decided if we are completely insane or not but we love having him in he family too. We are glad our daughters married men that love the gospel and want to do the right things. We are also glad they can put up with our craziness and drama- 3 girls makes for lots of drama and fun.

Spring Break for Kristina was not so fun. She had a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Then they did a sitz marker test. She wanted us to take a picture but I don't think she realized that the IV would hurt so bad.

Blake finally got all the garden boxes in. I think it was his blessing for the week. He got off early- a miracle in and of itself and then he had good weather. He got all the boxes in, we went on a walk and then we ate a really healthy dinner- so he can still loose weight. He is down 5 lbs. He's got to loose 10 by the end of the month for Travis's sake.

David and his friends left Friday as soon as school got out and ran to the Ogden Temple to do Baptisms for the dead and then hit the road in an RV to see all the temples in the State of Utah. They listened to Conference as they drove and found a place to go to Priesthood in Logan.

David always loves to have fun. He is the guy on the right doing a handstand.
Who can complain about this kind of spring break. Most parents are worried about what there kids are doing while they are away. I guess we all have to have some of that in life but I am so grateful he came back even more kind and loving than before he left. It was a good experience.

Yes they made it to all the temples. We just didn't put them all on.

Monday, March 30, 2009

McMillan March Madness Ends

David finished his last big play of his High School career (Into the Woods). We thought we were all done with acting, but he just tried out for a one act play today. Life is always a suprise with David. He recieved the award of best supporting actor in his play at region (Juvie) and is going to State to compete. He is amazing at it! Way to go David!
Kristina just got a great job. She was planning on working at Layton City Arts in the Park but forgot to turn in the W4 and so they did not call her back. She would of made 300$ for the summer. So she applied to work at scout camp working the whole summer for 700$. Most of the jobs were gone. There was a position at at Camp Browning (a high adventure camp). She was hired as a hiking counselor. It will be for June and July, and she will make 1500$ and meet about 160 new 16-18 year old boys each week. Do you really think she will have a hard time getting those boys to follow her?

Since David's play ended on Saturday of course he had to catch up on his dating.

While he was on his date we made garden boxes. We are going to try out square foot gardening.

Sheralle even made one of the boxes herself.

We were going to hurry and get them put in but as life goes, we had the church to clean and the neighbors needed help moving. So we got them made but did not get to put them in before the weather got bad. I hope Blake is blessed he always has to give up things he wants for the needs of others.

While Kristina and David spent time in Sunny San Diego. Blake went 4 wheeling with his brothers Ron and Danny. They found several old mines that they explored and had a fun time together. That was until Blake was in the lead coming down the mountain and had to go fast to keep from getting stuck in the snow. He ended up going off the side of the mountain on the fourwheeler. The 4 wheel flipped over sending him flying off, he could not think of anything except what will happen to the 4 wheeler. Luckily he wore a motorcycle helmet to keep warm. After he landed, the machine landed on him and rolled over his head. It then continued to roll end over end down the mountain. His brothers said it was an awsome crash, after they found out he was still alive. It took awhile, but they were able to get the machine out in a very crashed condition. That one will hurt the pocket book. Blake is fine, just some soar ribs and some bumps and bruises.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The first half of March

It was our 25th Anniverary on March 2, 2009. We celebrated on the weekend by taking all our children out to eat at PF Changs. We had a lot of fun and tried alot of different foods. Everyone made it. We did leave grandchildren with a baby sitter though. Then on Saturday the guys were going to go Snowboarding and the girls shopping but too many guys had hurt knees. So we gave everyone $50 to spend on whatever they wanted or needed. The girls went for lunch at Roosters and the guys went to Red Robin and then went to the movies. Crystal really loves to play with her nieces. I think it is one of her favorate things to do. Travis has been doing a great job at loosing weight and eats his icecream out of a measuring cup.
Monday, Jeramy left for spring break with his friends and Kristina and David performed in the choir concert. Kristina had a big Jazz Solo and did an amazing job. We will have to add it later.

Kristina went to tutoring on Thursday and low and behold the children kept bringing her roses. When all the roses had been delivered the teacher and students just sat there waiting for her to open all the notes attached to the stems. The girls all thought it was quite romantic and the guys even seemed to enjoy watching. She was delighted to be asked to Prom like this. Poor Jaron kept asking her if she was going to tutor on Thursday and she started getting annoyed at him for asking her about it every day. Now she knows why.

Saturday Crystal,Travis and Jeramy came back down. We all went to Brittany's house for Ericka's first birthday party. She is just the happiest baby. She loves bunnies and always wants to play with Ashley's now she has her own. We were boring and just got her clothes because her Mom wanted her to have Summer clothes.

It is fun to be best friends with your family. Katie, Brittany, Crystal, Sheralle, and Kristina.
Katie did not want to be left out on the fun!!!!! She came running to be in the picture.
Here is Jeramy hiding behind the railing. The girls just absolutely love him. He is their favorite.
Watch as she tries to eat it!

Then that night we went to see David in his play, Into the Woods. Our children are really good about supporting each other in what they do. It means alot to them to be there for each other.

It is also really fun because David really is a good actor, so it isn't hard to go support. He really has a gift. We are just glad he wants to be a heart surgeon rather than an actor for a living. We are hoping he will support us all someday. He even played Doctor to people on the set. David is the one center stage on the platform wearing the purple cape.

Way to go David! You are awsome! Your family is your greatest fan! We love you!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Last week of Feb. 2009

Well this week we did lots but Thursday we went to Danny and Alicia's to fix their computer and had chinese food. The computer really had nothing wrong but we enjoyed dinner and seeing them. Friday David and friends did early morning breakfast and baptisms for the dead before late start.
Date night for Blake and Sheralle consisted of splitting a salad at Costa Vida and then going to pick out something we wanted for our Anniversary. We ended up at Sky Line Clinic with Blake Checking on an injured Snowboarder that the General Doctor did not know what to do with. We then went to Britts and watched a movie with her. She'd been stuck in her house all week and still can't find her cell phone. Her husband goes to school at nights and her basement flooded again, and he had to be at a meeting that night (she has had a rough week), so we kept her company. It sure is fun to see her. How she ever does it all we will never know.

Saturday night we tended and took the girls to the ward dance. They had a ball, if anyone loves to dance its these girls!
Katie dancing with Krisitinas friend, Natalie. They danced so much they did not want to even stop for icecream sundaes.

Ashley hiding, while we clean up Sunday dinner. Sometimes I wish I could hide, my children (the ones not married) are really good at disappering when its time to clean up.

Erica- well she is just too cute to not put this picture on. No reason for it- just she's beautiful.