Monday, May 25, 2009

Celebrating Together Spring 2009

April 21st through May 17th we have lots to celebrate and so little time to be together so we usually have one big celebration. Here is Crystal for her 21st Birthday (May 21st) She is sharing Katies Cake with her. Why have more than one???
Katie Lynn turned 4 on May She really wanted a Pooh cake so Kristina and I worked to do the best we could. Not to bad for a first attempt.
Of course we have to fit Mother's Day in there (running shoes) hmm? Maybe they want a fit mother or maybe they have a mother that wants to remain fit? Which is it?
Travis always try's to have some surprise for his wife's birthday. This year it was an I phone.
Our gift to Crystal was more sentimental. She does a great blog, but what happens to all the memories later. Blake used his computer skills and moved the blog to a spreadsheet and was able to go get it printed out and made into a book. We love happy memories and these things help us remember.
Crystal loves to make others happy. Here she is helping Katie figure out her bug catcher.
Kristina was nominated for Prom Royalty.
She turned 17 and had a small family party- she really doesn't like the big party's with all the attention on her, but didn't want it jammed in with all the rest of the celebration. So we had a small family party on her birthday. What an idea.

Ashley can always figure out her own fun and has a great imagination.
Well this should have been posted a year ago but better late than never.